Bad Boys - Ride or Die - Movie Review

In this fast paced Hollywood crime drama, Will Smith and his partner Martin Lawrence as detectives and best friends carry the entire story on their shoulders. What starts as a fun ride slowly moves in to an action packed second half, culminating in to some fiery gunshot scenes and melodrama that was completely avoidable. The film opens in Miami city when co-detectives Lt. Mike Lowrey (Will) and Lt. Marcus Miles Burnett (Martin) are driving down the streets on the former’s Porsche Cayenne (we wonder if cops in the US can afford one!). In an accident that is near death, Marcus is severely injured and is admitted in a hospital. He almost reaches the heaven to meet his former boss and cop Captain Conrad Howard (Joe Pantoliano) who tells him a little secret. Thereafter, we see Marcus running away from his bed only to be found standing on the roof of the building. He informs Will that something bad is going to happen and that they both need to manage the upcoming s...